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عفيفه لعيبي

Afifa Aleiby was born in Basra-Iraq . She has lived and studied in Moscow and as a result the influence of the Soviet Realism filters through to an extent . However , her more recent works are intrinsically akin to unearthly metaphysics and narrative enchantment . The use of the palette tending toward bleu tones eliminates any sense of pedestrian descriptiveness . Her female figures in tunics like royal robes have a dignified pride and the air of an Oriental fable .A deliberate ingeniousness gives them an intriguing appearance of wonder and irony .
Givanni Carandente Italian historic and critic of art

  • 1953 - Born in Basra - Iraq

  • 1974 - Diploma from the Institute of Fine Arts - Baghdad - Iraq .

  • 1971-74 -Worked as an illustrator for the newspaper
    “Tarik Al Shaab“ Baghdad -Iraq 1981

  • 1981 -Diploma from the Institute of Fine Arts -Surikov - Moscow - USSR .

Two paintings being held by the Museum of Modern Art in Baghdad .
Member of The United Artist in Iraq. Member of The Iraqi Journalist’s Trade Union . Member of The Bond of Democratic Artists ,Writers, journalists of Iraq . Had been teaching for many years on The Institute of Fine Art in Aden - Yemen .


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